Do this in this order.  

Installing Java

  1. Insert the AP Computer Science cd into your computer (preferably into the cd-rom J)
  2. choose to view the files on the cd
  3. double click:    jdk-6u2-windows-i586-p.exe
  4. wait a second for the license agreement to show up
  5. accept
  6. next
  7. next
  8. (unclick show read me)
  9. finish


Installing JCreator

  1. double click jcrea450_setup.exe
  2. next
  3. I accept the agreement
  4. next
  5. next
  6. yes
  7. next
  8. next
  9. install
  10. (with run jcreator checked)finish
  11. if they ask, save settings for all users
  12. next
  13. next
  14. next
  15. finish


Copy over the file that you need to run the labs and worksheets

  1. on the cd, open the ICT APCS Java Curriculum (2.0) folder
  2. double click Appendix
  3. double click gpdraw
  4. in another window, open up My Computer
  5. double click Local Disk (C:)
  6. double click Program Files
  7. double click Java
  8. double click jdk-1.6.0_02
  9. double click jre
  10. double click lib
  11. double click ext
  12. you will copy the following jar  from the cd into the ext folder:
    1. gpdraw.jar