Your task is to make a Scratch program that will use random numbers to: 1. Roll a pair of dice OR 2. Create a dress up game. You can do both for extra credit



  1. Remix: dice
  2. Right now the die only has 2 costumes and only changes if you roll a 1.
  3. To earn a 3, Finish the program so it rolls two dice RANDOMLY when the green flag is clicked.
  4. To earn a 4, have a sprite or variable show the total of both dice.


Dress Up:

  1. Look at how the dice starter file uses random: dice
  2. Create a game where at least 2 pieces of clothes (sprites with costumes) are randomly selected based on a random variable just like the dice.
  3. When the green flag is clicked, it should randomly pick an outfit.
  4. (optional) make it so you can click each piece of clothing to cycle through the outfit choices.